Wednesday, December 12, 2012

FM Relocation's Renee Daniels Talks About Being a ?Smarty Pants?

The following contribution comes from our Renee Daniels, Relocation Director. Here she talks about being an Ambassador for the Work In The Triangle initiative for the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. Thanks, Renee!

?Smarty Pants!? Smarty Pants!? Smarty Pants!?? After all those years of hearing that from my brothers, I?ve finally been vindicated.? I am officially a ?Smarty Pants Ambassador?.? Let me explain?

For the last sixteen months, the Economic Development Groups of the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce,? the Durham Chamber of Commerce, the Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Research Triangle Regional Partnership have been working together to develop a talent attraction campaign to bring highly skilled workers to the Triangle Region of North Carolina.? Though we have an incredibly talented local employee pool, based on our growth projections and the new industries we are recruiting, there is a strong need to increase the number of skilled workers to fill positions for the Economic Development teams target industries.

Earlier this year, the campaign launched their new website, ?Work in the Triangle, Smarter from Every Angle?.? Whether someone is looking for a smarter job, a smarter lifestyle, smarter friends, you can find resources here to help you make the decision to move to our area.? The site highlights where to LIVE, WORK, PLAY and LEARN in the region and dives deep into each aspect.? Did you know there are over 50 live music venues in Downtown Raleigh?? I didn?t and I?m always looking for places to hear music.

In addition to all of the great lifestyle resources, Work In The Triangle tells individual ?angles? on the various reasons why the Triangle region is loved ? -this is all about the Smarty Pants Ambassadors.? Because of my role in Relocation, I have an opportunity to promote living in the Triangle to Corporations and individuals who are moving here.? I talk about the variety of residential options, the stability of our real estate market, low cost of living, the overall quality of life, our fabulous weather and help them make an individual connection to the area?with the new site, I have a fantastic new resource!

One of my favorite features of the site is the WORK section.? The section highlights our varied industry base as well as networking groups? and associations. In addition, the jobs portal shows job opportunities across the region and across all industry segments. An individual can search for a ?Smarty Pants Ambassador? with a similar background/interests and use them a s a resource as they make the transition to the Region.

The site is a wealth of information not only for someone considering a move here, but also for the residents of the Triangle region.? Search the site, I guarantee you that you WILL learn something new.? I did and can?t wait to tell the next company I talk to about my newest hidden gem!

I?m happy to be called a ?Smarty Pants? and tell the world about all the things that make the Triangle region a great place to be!? Check out MY angle.

If you want to join the ?Smarty Pants Ambassador? ranks, sign up at

We?re all over the social media space too!

Follow us on Twitter at @WorkTriangleNC (#WorkintheTriangle)
Like us on Facebook
Visit our Flickr page and
Check out our videos on YouTube Page

If you?ve relocated to our area, what?s one thing you?ve learned that you would love to tell people about? Please comment below!


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