I?m a man, who has naturally smooth, typically blemish free skin. My entire skin care regiment has basically consisted of a good soap and a water scrub in the shower with my wash cloth, and that?s that. My skin has never felt like it was in need of a moisturizer, and after a regular old shower wash it feels pretty good.
Yet I?m additionally an actor, and I am 33 years of age right now. My partner and I ingest plenty of mineral water. I do not light up, and also seldom drink, nevertheless we have also began searching for natural skin care solutions that can help maintain the grade of my skin, and also stay as fresh and vibrant looking as is possible. To me it is not a dilemma regarding ego, but of true livelihood; precisely how my skin appears has a genuine impact on my job and economic significance. .
Back in the day my sister and mom use to use the old St. Ives apricot scrub, which I used a few times many years ago. You know the one that basically felt you were scrubbing your face with gravel. I liked the rougher texture, and decided to turn to try St. Ives now when I was looking for some skin care products. After reading reviews for several, I ultimately decided on the extremely well regarded St. Ives Timeless Skin Daily Microdermabrasion 4 oz (113 g) and this moisturizer.
Yesterday evening I utilized the two for the first-time. While I am seeking to take much better care of my skin, I am certainly not seeking to make use of a 500 products and solutions, or want to have a lot of hassle and work over my skin. The exfoliating product had been much less severe than I anticipated, particularly compared to the old apricot scrub. I used that, let my skin dry out just a little, after which I used the moisturizer.
Now like I said above, I?m use to ?dewy? skin naturally. But about 10 minutes after applying this stuff I was literally floored at how my skin felt. My skin feels better than I have ever felt it in my life. It?s extremely smooth, feels taut, and looks vibrant and bright. I don?t have a ton of experience with a wide variety of skin care products, so I have no idea if this is standard, but none of the products I have used even remotely came close to making my skin feel, and look, this amazing. My wife came home and I told her she had to touch my face, and she did. She said it felt really ?firm?, almost like I?d had botox or something (which I thought was hilarious). She couldn?t stop rubbing her arm on my face, just to feel the texture. I think she was a little jealous.
It?s over 12 hours since I put this stuff on and my skin still feels like a satin sheet. I?ve never written a review for a skin care product. I never imagined I would even be compelled to. But I?m telling you, especially you reluctant men out there, this stuff feels insanely good on your skin. Between this, and the other product, I?ve found something quick, easy, and most importantly, something that worked from the FIRST application.
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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/21/the-best-product-for-great-skin/
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